“Ooh... We like the cut of your jib! Welcome to the club, Rookie! Don't think that's the end of it through - these first couple check-ins are just beginning. There's a big world out there, so keep checking in... there are badges to be had!”
How to get the Rookie badge:
Check-in 20 times.

“Outstanding! Kick those Rookie days to the curb - with 50 check-ins, you're a Pro now, baby! But don't rest on your laurels. There's more in store for those with the cojones. Thin you can reach the next level of check-in greatness? Godspeed, yelper, and don't think we're not at least a little bit proud of you. We are.”How to get the Pro badge: Check-in 50 times.

“Would you feel this iron grip handshake! With 200 check-ins in the past couple months, that's the thumb-strength of a bona fide check-in Master! The question remains though: do you have what it takes to conquer that elusive and exclusive next level? Few do. Good luck, my friend, and may the Yelp be with you.”How to get the Master badge: Check-in 200 times.

Yelpus Maximus
“Huzzah! Your hundreds of check-ins have earned you what all those Rookies, Pros and Masters have sought - the ultimate badge, Yelpus Maximus. Welcome to this esteemed crew. You are truly an inspiration to all the folks out there checking in. Now go treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it, champ!”How to get the Yelpus Maximus badge: Check-in approximately 1000 times. The exact number seems to change for each user based on their frequency.

“You earned the Baccus badge! in vino veritas. You certainly know your pinots.”
How to get the Bacchus badge:
Check-in to 6 wineries or wine bars

“Proust, compadre! You just earned the Barfly badge. Whether it's a highball or bottom shelf, you know just how to uncork this town. Now if you'll stop photo bombing the background of people's pictures, they'd appreciate it.”
How to get the Barfly badge:
Check-in to 3 bars

“It takes a certain caliber of person to smile all day through someone else's bodily ejections. Your check-ins at children's playgrounds & businesses prove you manage to pull off parenthood without "accidentally" leaving poop perpetrator at AYSO practice forever one afternoon, so we're giving you this badge. P.S. You have puke on your shoulder.”
How to get the Bawler badge:
Check-in to 3 playgrounds or day-cares

Big Night
“You know how you have those epic nights filled with good food and drink and assorted revelry? You're having one.”
How to get the Big Night badge:
Check-in to 7 bars and/or restaurants in one night

Brewed Awakening
"You earned the Brewed Awakening badge! having a steaming cup of java before 8am makes you quite the coffee achiever!"
How to get the Brewed Awakening badge:
Check-in to a coffee shop before 8am 5-10 times

Carrot Top
“Veggin' out never felt so good! Be it earthen or oceanic, your diet san animalia deserves proper decor. We hope you brought your best molars and bicuspids, brothers and sisters. it's time to pump up the yams.”
How to get the Carrot Top badge:
Check-in to 3 vegetarian restaurants

“Woo! You earned the Conehead badge! You clearly scream for ice cream”
How to get the Conehead badge:
Check-in to 3-6 ice cream shops

Crosstown Magic
"Wow, form one 'hood to the next all in one day, you sure know how to get around!"
How to get the Crosstown Magic badge:
Check-in to locations in 3 different neighborhoods of the same city in one day

"What some see as a chore, you see as a score! Need it be laundered or grocered, gassed up, packed up or bought. You get it done. And for that kind of foxy moxy a badge... we dub thee: Domestic!"
How to get the Domestic badge:
Check-in to 3 grocery stores

"It's a fact: Nobody can do the shing-a-ling like you do. the skate? No no no. The Boogaloo? No no no no no no no. But enough small talk already. We thought this was a party. Let's dance!!!"
How to get the Footloose badge:
Check-in to 3 dance clubs

"Your magnificence. Ponder it. Your visits to art-related businesses prove you have a sharp eye which rivals that of 50 eagles lurking Monet's tumblr. You understand that it takes more than having your hand clasped behind your back for people to see that you know what's up. And people not getting this heart-shattering installation... well, that's a crime against Humanities."
How to get the Framed badge:
Check-in to 3 art museums or art galleries

"Brains will always greater than brawn. Just because you can't crush a beet between your powerful intellect and vast imagination doesn't mean we won't make a spectacle of you and your taped-up glasses. Wear this Geek badge proudly - perhaps coterminous to your vintage Batman backpack patch?"
How to get the Geek badge:
Check-in to 3 arcades or comic stores

"You earned the Galamorama badge! HOT. Looking this good is not just an art, it's an extension of your personality."
How to get the Glamorama badge:
Check-in to 3 spas, salons, or drugstores

Global Domination
"Whether it's coq au vin, pad see ew, bratwurst or some other worldly vittle, your taste buds are ready to conquer them!"
How to get the Global Domination badge:
Check-in to 6 restaurants with a cuisine other than American

"You earned the Globetrotter badge! Your yelping knows no boundaries."
How to get the Globetrotter badge:
Check-in to 3 international airports

Gym Junkie
"Pump. Stretch. Sweat. Must. Not. Miss. A. Workout. All these check-ins definitely earned you a Gym Junkie badge."
How to get the Gym Junkie badge:
Check-in to a gym on 4 different days

Happy Hour Power
"There's a time in every person's life when they achieve what no one can take from them... and that time is usually around quittin' time. You, like all savvy locals, know this isn't budget boozin'. It's a celebration - because life is solid with liquid revelry."
How to get the Happy Hour Power badge:
Check-in to 5 bars between 5-7PM

High Roller
"Feeling spendy, Yelpy Warbucks? We present to you a badge to celebrate your wealth to fiscal accomplishments. And a congratulatory dinner in your honor, you request? Alright, but you're buying."
How to get the High Roller badge:
Check-in to 3 places with a price range of $$$$

"You've just earned the Instigator badge! Ain't no bull (horn) about it, when you check-in somewhere, your friends follow!"
How to get the Instigator badge:
Check-in to a place just before 4+ Yelp friends

"Becauseratings are overrated, because you go your own way - and because you'll never lose that lovin' feeling for your city's rugged good looks. You're dangerous. Yeah, dangerous... and there's a badge for that."
How to get the Maverick badge:
Check-in to 3 places that have below a 2 star rating. A place with no reviews does not count.

"Congratulations, carnivorous commando of this fair city. You've earned the Meathead badge! No bones about it! You kick it at the top of the food chain, where you don't have any neighbors... anymore."
How to get the Meathead badge:
Check-in to 3 restaurants categorized as a steakhouse

“You earned the Mexi-Can badge! Just an FYI: a burrito is not a food group.”
How to get the Mexi-Can badge:
Check-in to 6 Mexican restaurants in one week

Mobile Streaker

Czech Republic
"Congratulations! You're in the Czech Republic. Lion-hearted Yelpers can find their way around this land of castles and pilsner with the Yelp app. Don't forget to check in to earn more badges."
How to get the Czech Republic badge:
Check-in to 1 place in the Czech Republic

"Congratulations! You're in Germany, the land of poets and thinkers, great beers and tasty sausages. Whether you want to buy a good book or drink a beer, you'll find it on Yelp. Don't forget to check in on Yelp to earn more badges."
How to get the Germany badge:
Check-in to 1 place in Germany

"Congrats on checking in to Yelp UK! You'd be totally daffy(dil) to stop now, so keep checking in to earn more rose of bloomin' gorgeous badges. We promise: thistle be fun. Sham(rock) on!"
How to get the UK badge:
Check-in to 1 place in the UK